Opening times may vary during school holidays, check our website and Facebook page for further details.
Opening Hours
Now that we have a new home we are rebuilding our team of volunteers so we can offer the best possible service to our members. Whilst we do this, we will have limited opening hours. Please ensure you check the website or Facebook for updates on opening hours before you travel. You can help us stay open by Volunteering with us or spreading the word.
Monday | 3:00pm – 5:00pm | |
Tuesday | Closed | |
Wednesday | 10:00am – 12:00pm | |
Thursday | 10:00am – 12:00pm | |
Friday | Closed | |
Saturday | 10:00am – 12:00pm | |
Sunday and Public holidays | Closed |
Find us
The Scrapstore is signposted once you enter the Sunnyfields site via the main entrance. We are located in three large blue cabins, next to the main Sunnyfields Marquee and near the farm shop entrance.
Sunnyfields Farm
Jacobs Gutter Lane
SO40 9FX