Get ready for Quilting Super Saturday on the 18th January 10-2. When it's gone it's gone!
Christmas opening: Open as normal up to 21st December and then closed until 2 January 2025. Quilting Super Saturday 18 January 10-2.
powered by bulletin
January 11, 2025

Statements regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.

16th March

As fast as I write this the world is changing so I will type what I know and update it as the situation unfolds. We are constantly monitoring events and following the appropriate guidelines so please keep checking back for updates. You can get advice on keeping yourselves and others as safe as possible at NHS and Public Health England.

We have tried our best to minimise the disruption to the service we provide particularly at a time where our resources could help a lot of people through the coming weeks. Sadly, as a very small, unfunded and entirely volunteer run organisation, we have limited resilience in situations like this and despite our best efforts it has been impossible to flex enough to maintain our service.

Closed until further notice

Please could we request that anyone wishing to visit the store takes the following precautions to reduce any risk of spreading the virus.

1 – Please wash your hands as soon as you come into the scrapstore and use the hand sanitising gel provided.

2 – Please follow NHS guidelines relating to containment and if you think you have or may have been in contact with someone with the virus and need scraps, send a friend!

We know this is inconvenient and can only apologise and request that you all continue to support us by spreading the word so that once we are back to full strength we can start sharing the mountains of beautiful stock we have with you all.

We will continue to share ideas online to keep you and your families entertained at home and to provide play and learning opportunities should school closures occur. There are lessons everywhere if you just look carefully (and use Pinterest!).

For now, try to read less news, play more and take care of each other.

Kind regards and thank you for your understanding

Katie (Chairman) and all the WSS Volunteers.

Updated 17/03/2020

Further to our statement yesterday and very sadly, as a result of being unable to social distance in the shop, having high risk volunteers to protect and as we are not an essential service (I beg to differ😉!) we have no option but to close the shop until further notice.

We are all very sorry. 

If the schools close and lots of you really really need materials please drop us an email and we’ll see if we can sort something out safely. After all, like everyone we still have bills to pay and this will hit us very hard